Posted on July 21, 2019

Relaxscape haiku


Capturing the essence of Relaxscape and guests in a short poem

Some of the core principles that I aim to share with you at Relaxscape are practices we've learnt from Japanese culture. Shinrin yoku, for example, the simple therapy of being out in nature and being surrounded by trees. Also known as forest bathing, it's now prescribed by doctors there as a recognised healing process. Relaxscape retreats also are designed to help you find your ikigai - your reason for being, the source of value in your life that makes it worthwhile (in a way that makes sense to you).

I also enjoy sharing my poetry with you! The Japanese poetry form of haiku is usually nature-focused, and emphasise simplicity, intensity, and directness of expression - and so encapsulate the values of Relaxscape very well. Over the past year I've started writing one for each guest who joins one of the Relaxscape retreats, inspired by the meaning of their name. You can read some of them here. Sign up for a retreat and I'll write one about you too - or email me your name and I can create one for you, presented on one of my nature art pieces.


Happy Hilary

Bringing people together,

Celebrating love.


Karen clear and true

Birdsong carried on the breeze

Pure as spring water.


Erika the brave

Sole leader of your own soul

The longship of time.


Lily white as snow

Innocence is a treasure

Flowers are a gift.


Grace of many charms

A generous heart brings joy

Goddess of nature.


Anna, she who gives,

Gracious, always with a smile

Gifts are for you too.


Barbara the bold

Traveler from foreign lands

Restless souls seek truth.


Charles, a man of strength

Who wanders free like the wind.

Smiles scatter like stars.


Free spirit Charlene

Happiest among the stars

Strength comes from within.


Arzo full of hope

An arrow flies straight and true.

The path becomes clear.

And some others I've written chronicling occasional events since I've moved to Portugal.


The world stops. We wait.

Patient, alone. Together.

Lessons from this year.


The river is grey.

Dark clouds don't always mean rain.

Traditions live on.


Yoga every day.

Meditation, breath, stillness.

Dogs still bark at night.


Up high, the wind blows.

Overhead, the clouds scatter.

Inside, souls whisper.


Breathing in, green trees.

Deep in the forest, bathing.

Life has many paths.


Water, flowing free.

Watching food grow, sharing round.

The river beckons.


Hot clouds, summer sky.

Strangers meeting, food brings smiles.

A cat sits and waits.


Flowers everywhere,

Pleasure can take many forms.

Heads held high, hearts full.


Busy day of rest,

People passing, puzzling done.

Grey sky turned to sun.

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